The Adept Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Oct 2009 Posts: 4247
Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:08 pm Post subject: Joke: Dirty Jokes Your parents told you |
I know im not the only one whos parents didnt tell them a dirty joke so if you have a good one post it here.
Heres two my Father Told me
Farmland Fable:
One day on a farm, after many days of heavy rain, a horse gets stuck in a deep
mud pit. As he is struggling in the mud, one of the farmer's chickens hears the
cry for help. The chicken runs over to the mud pit and tells the horse to hold
on while he gets the farmer's Harley. The chicken comes riding up on the Harley,
throws the horse a rope and uses the Harley to pull the horse to safety. The
horse is very grateful. Several weeks later, after a rainstorm, the chicken gets
stuck in a mud puddle. As the chicken cries for help the horse hears him and
runs over to help. "Hurry and get the farmer's Harley", the chicken says. "No
need", says the horse, as he straddles the puddle and lowers his dick down to
the chicken. The chicken grabs the dick and as he is pulled to safety we realize
the morale to this story.... If you are hung like a horse, you dont need a
Harley to pick up
Two men, Mark and Tyrone work together and every morning Mark comes to work
smiling. Tyrone asks Mark, "why you so happy?" Mark replies "My wife gives me
sex every morning". Tyrone asks "How the hell do you get her to do that!?". Mark
replies "I tell her a poem that goes... Blonde hair blonde hair, eyes soo blue I
love waking up to make love to you!" Tyrone says "you white boys are crazy!"
The next morning Tyrone comes in to work beat all to hell! Mark asks "what the
hell happened to you?" Tyrone replies "I tried your poem thing this morning, I
says nappy head nappy head, eyes like a frog, if I could roll yo big ass over id
f--- you like a dog"... _________________ A fact of life: After monday and tuesday even the calender says WTF...
Kyle Stingray
Escape of The Blue Rose (Story)
My FA |