Hermie Rank: Casual

Joined: 15 Dec 2008 Posts: 43
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 2:05 am Post subject: STORY: Sinners in the Fur, Chapter 1 |
I started writing a horror story based on the Seven Deadly Sins, but lately Christianity is annoying me so I kind of let it die off.. The first chapter was rather smutty, as it was intended for the Yiffstar audience, and can be found on my user page there, as well as the 2nd chapter (which contains scenes of graphic violence) and one other story containing material questionable to many (cubs).
Anyway... Here's the first chapter. Enjoy. ^^
A doorbell rang, breaking the silence of a small town, nestled in a forest in the mountains. “Hold on!” came an answer from inside. Opening the door was a 22 year old wolf, quickly trying to work the strap on his dark green bathrobe.
“Here's your pizza, sir!” the teenage fox cheerily said, smiling wide. “A hot, fresh Hawaiian, loaded with toppings!” The light breeze of the late spring night blew around his short, unruly hair.
“Sweet,” the wolf replied. He reached into his robe and pulled out a 20 dollar bill, and set it on top of the pizza box, which proclaims to be the best pizza in town. And being the only pizza joint in the area, there was no one else to make that claim. The wolf took a hold of the pizza as the fox nabbed the $20. “Keep the change,” the wolf said, smiling and giving a nod. “Use it for gas or something... I know the prices are getting higher every payday.”
“Thank you sir!” The fox hopped off the porch, and quickly scurried back to the company car, which was a small, older model hatchback. The engine sounded long overdue for a tuneup as the fox started the car.
The wolf watched as he backed out and sped away, then walked back inside. “Honey, the pizza's here!”
“I know, I heard!” came a sweet voice from inside the bedroom.
The wolf walked into a large, almost professional-looking kitchen, and set the pizza down on the island counter top. Humming, he opened a cabinet and grabbed a pair of plates and cups, and set them next to the pizza. He then opened the refrigerator and pulled out some lemon-lime soda, pouring the two glasses full.
“Cani...” the same sweet voice called from around the corner.
“Yes, my dear Jinxie?” he called back, walking to the corner.
Jinxie revealed herself, walking softly, though her multiple silver bracelets jingled on her wrists with each step. She leaned against the wall, posing for him, completely naked. The cat stood at a height of five feet and five inches, which was almost six inches shorter than Cani. She was a silvery gray cat, 20 years old, with dappled gray spots on her face, back, arms, and legs. The fur on her front is a lighter shade than on her back, and she had darker gray rings along the length of her tail, as well as “tear trails” of the same color. She also had multiple piercings, with two rings on her right ear and three on her left. On her wedding finger was a silver band with a black fire opal gem; Cani wore a matching ring on his own hand. On the opposing hands they wore their engagement rings, silver bands showing a dragon in foliage. She also wore a silver necklace with a silver pendant featuring a sitting cat in front of a pentacle. Her supple B-cup breasts rose and fell with each breath she took. Her cute longer patch of fur between her breasts almost took Cani's attention off of her beautiful eyes, which at the moment were a deep blue. Normally they're a grayish blue that reminds Cani of rainclouds, but they get darker when she's happier, and turn an icy blue when she's angry. However, he couldn't help but look over the rest of her body and peek down to her crotch, where her fur was a little longer, and incredibly soft. She wasn't as thin as he was, but she wasn't anywhere near fat. She had just enough weight on her to keep her beautiful curves and be soft and cuddly at the same time. Even though she was a cat and he was a wolf, she was everything Cani could ever wish for. She smiled, and walked over to him, her tail swaying back and forth as she stepped. She wrapped her arms around his neck, reaching up, as he was about five inches taller than her, and gave him a kiss on his lips. She leaned her weight on one leg, causing her body to bend and look at Cani with a leaning head. “What are you thinking about?” she playfully asked, seeing a look she knew well in his eyes.
“Oh, nothing...” He undid the strap to his robe before returning her hug, so their bodies can touch without anything between them. His hands rubbed up and down her back as he hugged her tighter.
“Mmmm...” Jinxie was lightly purring as she leaned her head on his chest. “Doesn't sound like nothing...”
Cani's hands traveled down to her adorable butt, and gave one cheek a light squeeze.
“HEY!” Jinxie yelped as she jumped back. “What the hell? You know I hate that!”
“I know,” Cani said, grinning. “That's why I do it...” he chuckled a bit before casting off his robe. His fur was a blend of all the colors a gray wolf can have. His back was black along his spine, which faded to a dark gray, then silver. The front of his body was off-white, with rusty orange and tan blends on his sides, which extends to the outer sides of his legs and arms, with the inner sides being the off-white of his body, and his paws and feet silver. His head was black on the top, which faded to brown and silver, with rusty orange around his eyebrows and temples. Around the tip of his snout was a light brown, with off-white on his chin and neck, which extended to his cheeks, which were white on the front and rusty orange near his jawbone. His tail was black on the backside and silver on the inside. He also had long, dark blonde hair extending to the bottom of his shoulder blades and tied in a ponytail, and blue eyes that had the slightest hint of green. Among his ring was a silver necklace with a silver howling wolf pendant, the only other piece of jewelry he wore. His cock wasn't fully erect yet, but it was half hard, showing it was willing and ready for love. It was tucked inside of a pouch of skin for protection when soft, as the entire length of his shaft had the sensitive flesh of a penis tip, but right now, half of his length was exposed. “So,” he said, “What do you say we let the pizza sit for a while and go hop in bed?”
She leaned on one hip again, and gave him an inquisitive look. “Figures you'd bring that up...”
“Well,” he said, “We don't have to if you don't want to...”
She walked over to Cani and gave him a hug. “No, it's fine...” She smiled, gave him a kiss, then started to walk toward their bedroom, holding his paw as she stepped.
Cani chuckled to himself, and followed her, watching her tail weave back and forth and her cute rump wiggle ever so slightly as she walked. When they got to the room, Jinxie turned around and hugged Cani around his neck, and pulled some of her weight down on him. Cani caressed her sides, running his hand along the curves of her hips, and leaned forward toward the bed. With Jinxie leaning back, it made her lose her balance and fall back on to the bed.
“Whoa!!” Jinxie shouted as she fell backwards. Her breasts bounced when she landed, much to Cani's delight as she watched them. Only the pink of her nipples poked through her fur, as she didn't have the “oreos” that some other girls have. Cani found this quite cute... In fact, there wasn't anything about her that he didn't think was cute. “Hey, what was that for?!”
Cani leaned forward more, his arms out in front of him, and let his body fall over hers, placing his paws to her side so he didn't fall on top of her. He kissed her with all the passion and love he felt for her, over and over, as his lips slowly traveled down her neck, chest, belly, and eventually to her crotch. Jinxie was happily purring and caressing his head while he kissed her body, and gasped a little when Cani began to lick her folds, while also pulling off her silver tail rings. One was adorned with fire opals, and the second with amethyst crystals. He set them aside while his soft tongue caressed her other lips, exciting every nerve in her lower body. She moaned softly and shifted her hips closer to Cani's face as he began to lick her prominent clitoris. It was large enough to be easily found and played with, but nowhere near unnatural or excessive. Cani's tongue folded back her clitoral hood, and licked every other point on the surface of her labia. Jinxie's moaning became more audible as her body tensed from the pleasure of her husband's skilled tongue, which began to play around the entrance to her vagina. He enjoyed the taste of her flesh, and even more the sweet flavor of her juices as he got her dripping wet. His cock had been fully erect for a short time now, showing every detail it possessed. His cock curved down and to the left, and had a slight knot, not the usual large knot of feral canines- much to his wife's satisfaction. It was widest in the middle, about an inch and a half in diameter, with rib-like protrusions along his curved right side. The left side of his penis was nearly straight, with only a slight left bend. It didn't look anything like a textbook example of a penis, but it wasn't made to be looked at. It was made for maximum pleasure, which is just what Cani was aiming for as he slipped his tip inside of her. Jinxie tilted her head back and moaned his name and said “I love you,” while she wrapped her arms around him and held him close.
Cani rested his body on hers as he pushed his shaft deep into her wet, slippery pussy, moaning softly. Her canal was never too tight, and never too loose. It always grabbed and massaged his cock just the right way. One could say they were made for each other, except for the fact that they were of different, and usually conflicting, species. Cani slid his shaft back and forth slowly, enjoying his closeness with his sweet wife, and watching his pendant swing from his chest as he moved. They had been together for a three years before they got married, on the same day they started dating. They've only been wed for two months, and lived every day like a honeymoon. He knew her since she came to their high school as a freshman in his junior year, but he was too shy to make a move, and his feelings then didn't outweigh his fear of rejection. He soon found an online relationship, but after two years together, and never getting to see her face-to-face, she left him for someone else, who left her two weeks later. After getting over her, Cani finally asked Jinxie out, and they couldn't be happier together. Jinxie started to become more active in their romp, pushing her hips back and forth against his, as her breathing quickened and her heart beat faster. They talked about having children, but they both thought it was too early for that. They both were hoping for a daughter first, but they decided to try in a few years, when they've had all the time they wanted just for themselves. Jinxie brought her head up to Cani's as she kissed her, her paws caressing his face. He was her first love, and the first and only man to be this close to her. However, before getting together with Cani, she had a very close friend who thought he was going out with her. She didn't see it that way, although she was the only other person she opened up to. They never even kissed, but he still felt crushed when Jinxie told him he was getting together with Cani. They're still friends, though, just like Cani and his ex, and each had spoken with the other. But Cani was the first that she felt true love for, as she showed him in her passionate kiss as Cani quickened his pace. She moaned loud while her tongue mingled with his, as she felt an orgasm building. Cani slid his paw down to her crotch and rubbed her clit as he thrust, giving her even more stimulation. Her mouth opened wide as she moaned quicker, saliva beginning to run down her cheek, as she gasped as her climax hit her. She closed her eyes as her body spasmed and as Cani thrust and rubbed as quickly as he could to give her the biggest orgasm of her life.
“OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” She yelled, as a spasm forced Cani's cock out, and her juices sprayed all over his abdomen. He quickly slipped his penis back inside of her and kept going, keeping her orgasm strong. “Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!! Oh, Cani, I LOVE YOU!” she gasped between heavy breaths. Cani kept on sliding his cock back and forth as hard and fast as he could, feeling Jinxie's body turn to a purring pile of putty as he kept her orgasm going for over a minute, when he tired and slowed, and collapsed on his love, breathing hard. Jinxie smiled and put an arm around Cani's back, and licked his cheek, trying to shift from under him. Cani moved and rolled over, and Jinxie crawled on top of him, rubbing his chest with her paws. She lifted up her body, and held Cani's cock as she guided it to her dripping love hole, and sat on top of it. It was Cani's turn to lay back and enjoy, as his moans became audible.
“Oh, hon...” He caressed her face, and she brought up her own paw and held his hand on her cheek. She moved her hips up and down, massaging the whole eight inch length of his cock with her vagina. His highly sensitive cock felt every detail of her insides, and his tip pulled on them when his cock slid back. Their parts were perfectly matched for the best lovemaking possible for them both, which is just what they were having. Cani's breathing quickened again as he felt that familiar feeling of an orgasm building. “Don't stop...” Jinxie bounced faster, her breasts bouncing happily on her chest. Cani reached his paws to them and massaged them as she yiffed him. He moaned louder, feeling his orgasm build. “Oooohhhh, darling...” His body tensed as he felt her pussy lips rub against his base, feeling her juice slide between his legs and down to the sheets, and his tip squeezed just right by the area of her vagina just before the cervix. He could feel his cock bump softly on it, and saw the pleasure on his wife's face each time she humped. He moaned loudly as his climax hit, his penis throbbing and squirting his seed inside of her. “Don't stop...” he gasped as his cock nearly burned in pleasure as she humped him while his orgasm kept going. He filled her vagina up with his sperm, and it began to drip down his shaft, turning into a foam while Jinxie kept on him, not letting up. “Aaaahhhhh!” Cani's body spasmed hard, like Jinxie's had to him, and his cock slipped out again, this time spraying a shot of cum onto Jinxie's snout, which she licked as she leaned forward. She began to lick Cani's penis, causing the orgasm to build once again as she licked him clean, and he filled her mouth with his sweet cum which she let linger before swallowing. She took one last lick to clean off his tip before laying down next to him.
Cani pulled her close, and they cuddled up together. “I love you, sweetheart...”
“I love you too...” she said as she buried her head in his chest.
Cani smiled. “I love you more...”
“Same amount,” she said, rubbing his chest with her paws. They both laid together for a while until they both felt like they had enough energy to hop in the shower together to clean up.
Cani turned the water on and helped Jinxie get inside before getting in himself. Cani was the messiest of the two after being sprayed by Jinxie's gushing fluids, but he helped clean his dear wife first. He took the hand sprayer and ran water on her crotch, rehydrating her slippery juices, and applied shampoo to her fur. He worked it in, cleaning her cum out, and at the same time he played around with her vagina.
“Hey, we just finished,” she giggled.
“I know,” he replied. After soaping her, he rinsed her off, and combed her pubic fur with his paw.
“Hmmmmm...” Jinxie hummed in pleasure as he readied Cani's belly and crotch the same way he did to her. Cani closed his eyes as he enjoyed her paws cleaning his fur off, wincing a little when she bumped his sensitive cock. After they were clean, they each dried themselves off, put on their robes, and walked toward the kitchen. “Man, I'm hungry,” Jinxie said as she picked up a plate from the counter and pulled off a couple slices of the pizza, which was surprisingly still warm.
Cani picked up some extra toppings when he got his slices, and walked in to the living room, where he turned on the TV. After flipping through a few channels, he stopped and turned on a movie. Together they watched, nibbling on their food and cuddling up close. Soon, Cani noticed that his wife had fallen asleep on his shoulder, but he didn't mind one bit. He smiled, and leaned his head on hers as the movie came to an end. He picked up the remote and switched to the TV, and found the news.
“Authorities are searching for answers this evening after finding the C.E.O. of FossilCo Oil Company brutally murdered,” the anchor, a well-groomed cheetah, stated. “Mark has details on this live on the scene. Mark?”
“Thank you, Lisa,” the husky said. “Authorities say they found the body of Mr. Flye-” here they displayed a picture of a wealthy frog- “in what looked like a giant cauldron, filled with scalding oil.”
They began rolling a clip of an interview with one of the police officers, a chubby warthog. “Yeah, it was a real mess in there. The murderer had the giant bowl over a flame, so I'd imagine the oil was boiling when Mr. Flye was forced in. I can't imagine what being deep fried must feel like, but I hope he went quick, and we give our condolences to the family of the victim.”
A light breeze made the white and gray husky's hair flutter a bit. “Police still have no leads as to a suspect, and motives are still unclear, but many speculate that the rising gas prices may have had something to do with it. Back to you, Lisa.”
“Thanks, Mark. On Wall Street today, the sto-”
Cani turned off the TV as Jinxie began to stir. “What was going on?”
“An oil company C.E.O. was killed today... Deep fried to death.”
“Ouch...” She stood up, and walked toward their room. “I'm going to bed now,” she said groggily as she walked.
Cani remained for a moment, thinking. Hmmm... Why would someone boil a guy in oil instead of shooting him? ...Why go through all that extra trouble? There's gotta be something more to that... |