ToddRogue69 Rank: Mr. Fabulous

Joined: 25 Dec 2015 Posts: 438
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:35 pm Post subject: The tale of Todoxas Rogue part 1 |
Our story begins in a small manor a few miles outside of London in the gardens we see a young man with a sketchpad and a pencil drawing images of mystical beings playing amongst lush fields and flowers, this young man’s name was Todd Rogue son of the wealthy Lord and Lady Rogue whom were beloved by the other members of the upper class society. Todd’s father was a brilliant author of literature and his mother was an artist who always had a passion for illustrating, they both made a fortune from their works over the years but their greatest work was brought forth in the form of their only son Todd.
Todd’s childhood was a bit of a lonely one due to him being an only child and for a while it remained that way, that is until Todd met someone while he was playing outside. It was a little girl named Constance Eden, she was a young vixen who had radiant lavender eyes and a small bushy tail. The two introduced themselves and began to play with each other and for a few hours they had lots of fun. After they have had their fun and said their goodbyes Todd went to tell his parent about his new friend, at first his parents were happy to hear that their son had made a new friend until he mentioned her name.
Then their smiles disappeared and told him that she was the daughter of the neighbor’s servants and that Todd could not see her anymore, but that did not stop the two from doing so from that day on they would play and fun with each other in secret. As the years past the two had grown up to become quite the attractive pair and they had even begun to fall in love with one another as well, but Todd’s parent’s had something else in mind for their son. They had arranged their son to marry the daughter of Lord Cinderfinch a very wealthy owner of a spice trade business, His daughter was not very attractive and was not the kind of women Todd would ever marry.
Todd was very upset about his parent’s having him marry someone he doesn’t love, so later that night he went to see Constance and tell her what has happened. She could not believe it herself so the two agreed to take the ultimate chance and do what they had never dared to do before, the day Todd was preparing himself to talk to his parents after they have returned from a party they had been invited to. That night Todd waited for his parent’s to return from their party but they had not come back in hours, suddenly there was a loud banging on the door and Todd rushed downstairs to see who it was. When he opened the door he saw that it was the coachman that had drove Todd’s parents to the party.
There was a deep look of shock in his eyes as he informed Todd that a fire broke out at the manor where his parents were attending the party and that they didn’t make it. Todd was devastated by this news and he went to his parent’s room and began to weep over the loss of his parents. Since Todd was of legal age his parent’s fortune was bequeathed to him, fortunately for Todd Constance was there to help him through this most troubling time. Constance would move in with Todd and the two would lead a happy life with one another, however they were still unmarried so one day Todd had bought a beautiful engagement ring for Constance and he planned to propose to her underneath their favorite tree in the garden. The next day the two went for a picnic and enjoyed a delicious lunch together and when it was the right time of the day Todd and Constance sat down under their favorite tree in the garden.
Todd was about to pull out the ring and ask Constance if she would marry him, she started to cough violently and uncontrollably so Todd brought her back to the manor and called for a doctor to come and examine her. Later that night the doctor told Todd that Constance has a terrible illness that she has developed over the years and that she may not be able to live for more than two months at the least. Todd was heartbroken he could not believe this was happening, he fell to his knees and began to weep on the floor.
For the next two month Todd would care for Constance and stay by her side until the end of her days, Todd attended her funeral a few days later still carrying the engagement he planned to give her but now he never will. He then went home and thought about what he would do next, at one point he thought about killing himself but he told himself that Constance wouldn’t want that for him that she would want him to be happy. So Todd took his sketch pad and pencil went out to the garden and began to sketch.
He sketched a beautiful drawing of a young man and woman in a romantic embrace in a lush garden full of vegetation and life for a moment Todd was happy, but alas it was not enough for him so he went inside and went for a walk into town while he walked he accidently bumped into a man carrying a suitcase. Todd apologized and offered to help him up but the gentleman just got up and walked away but as he walked away Todd overheard him mention a place to himself, Bon Bon. Todd’s curiosity was sparked and he attempted to stop the gentleman and ask him about Bon Bon but he was no longer anywhere to be seen.
So Todd went to the local train station and bought himself a ticket for the morning train to Bon Bon, and the next day Todd was on his way to Bon Bon. During the trip Todd’s curiosity was becoming unbearable he began to wonder what kind of place it was and what he should expect upon arriving, he never traveled that much before and he has never heard of the town of Bon Bon before.
After a few days of traveling Todd had arrived to Bon Bon, truly he had never seen a place like this. It was a lovely little town that was surrounded by mountains, there was a wonderful smell in the air that he had never smelled before. Todd then proceeded to make his way through town taking in the scenery. But there was something that Todd began to notice about Bon Bon, he noticed that the women here were very attractive but that they were also bare breasted and their dresses were very revealing. Todd was a bit puzzled by this, why did the women reveal themselves in this fashion? Then suddenly he spotted it right across the street, it was a casino and the sign on it read Delight Castle.
Todd then made his way to the Delight Castle and entered into it completely unknowing what lay within, upon walking through the front doors Todd beheld a sight that he had never seen before. He saw slot machines, pool tables, and so many other things including all of the people who were gambling and mingling with the other customers. Then Todd noticed there was a bar nearby, he had become a bit parched from his long trip and though a good drink might help him to unwind.
He walked over to the bar and sat down, then the bartender walkover to him and asked him what he wanted to drink Todd responded by asking for a cup of tea. She came back a few moments later with his tea Todd then pulled out a florin and gave it to her, he then began to enjoy his tea while across the room from him stood one of the castles employee’s Violet Berry who was watching Todd with a sly look on her face as she licked her lips, she then made her way towards him still brandishing her smile.
As she crept over to his right-hand side her tail softly brushing his neck, and when he turned to see what it was his eyes directly met hers. She greeted Todd with a smile at first Todd was a bit startled but immediately regained his composure and greeted her back. Violet then leaned in closer revealing her cleavage for Todd to see, and like magic Todd’s eyes were locked onto Violet’s cleavage and no matter how hard he tried he could not take his eyes off them.
Knowing that she had got him she invited Todd up to room where she asked him to make himself comfortable while she got ready and for the very first time since Constance’s death Todd wasn’t depressed he actually felt alive again, then out came Violet dressed in nothing but her corset and leggings. Then from Todd’s trousers his cock began to rise and press against his trousers this sort of thing never happening with him before until now.
Violet takes notice of Todd’s hard-on making him blush heavily, she then realizes that Todd was a virgin she then giggles softly as she seductively moves over Todd and pushes him onto her bed where she climbs over his body and pins him down with her breasts bushing over Todd’s chest, she then kisses Todd on the nose and proceeds downward undoing his shirt kissing his chest and continuing to make her way down to his pant where she undoes them and reveals Todd’s succulent erection.
Violet then starts to slowly lick Todd’s massive boner up and down even licking the head in a circular motion, Todd could not help himself he let out a yip in pleasure for what Violet was doing. She noticed this and chuckled softly in delight never before has she ever done it with a virgin like Todd, someone who has never had any kind of sexual experiences with anybody. Violet them wrapped her large soft breasts around Todd’s cock and slowly began tit-fucking him, at this point Todd was sucked into a vortex of sexual pleasure a sensation that he has never experienced before not even with Constance.
All of the thoughts of his life before this moment had vanished all he could think about was the sensations that he was feeling at this very moment, Violet saw this moment as the perfect opportunity to proceed with the next phase. She got up onto the bed, positioned her pussy so that it was lined up with Todd’s cock and slowly inserted his cock inside of her until the rest slipped inside. Todd did not hold back he let out a long and hard howl of pleasure, Violet also let out a loud scream of pleasure as she slow began her special bouncing technique while riding Todd’s sweet succulent love pole.
Every minute Violet went a bit faster in her movements all the while Todd was off in another world one where he has never gone before, then the two began to reach the climax holding back until the very last minute and then…SPLOOSH! They both ejaculated at the same time their juices becoming intertwined with one another forming an elixir of lust. Violet collapsed onto the bed exhausted but content she then turned to Todd who was breathing heavily with his eyes wide with astonishment, He commented on the sensations he felt and how he had never felt anything like them before.
Violet then tells Todd that it was her pleasure for her to seduce him, then suddenly through the curtain on the one side of Violets room came Betty asking Violet what all the noise was to which Violet explained that it was just her showing her new customer the new comer a good time. Betty looks over to Todd and sees him in the state that he was previously in before she came in, Violet also adds that this was his first time having sex and that he is a real keeper. Betty then begins to ponder to herself she then tells Violet to tell Dalila to prepare a room for their new guest, what could she be planning to do with Todd?
Stay tuned for the next part…  _________________ |