GoldenRodDog Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Sep 2009 Posts: 219
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:45 am Post subject: Journals |
This is premable to a much longer story featuring one Gillian Sullivan, I hope the owner of that character doesn't mind and i will pass the next part in front of them if they ask me. This part is set in the future and I have made Jinx, a total genius inventor and created a relative who is trying to get the major inventions of Jinx's whole life but she has hidden them away for safeties sake. The next part is written from the view point of Jinx in the form of a journal and may be split into several episodes.
This is why I have been very quiet recently.
A military figure enters the base and gives a wolfish grin to the sentry who snaps a quick salute, it has been hard work but they have found it. The mother load of technical information they thought might exist but were not so sure. The rumors were all true then it was the work on her clues that had borne fruit and so the location of Gillian Sullivan’s diaries has been found. The protective traps had been fiendish, the puzzle locks made the cryptography guys at the main base feel like total amateurs, and the pick proof lock on the final part was enough to make the greatest locksmith in the world charge triple for his time. Two months later the vault had been opened, sure you could have forced it but the last Sullivan invented vault they had tried to force sprang two hundred acid edged blades into the journals. What they got out was unreadable smoking mush, even the models stored within were smashed to bits.
What was the main prize were the invention journals the lady had wrote as well, they are prized beyond anything on even her worst day Miss Sullivan could make any mechanical genius feel dumb. It was extraordinary the lady was decades if not centuries ahead of her time. The captain knocks on the door and awaits permission to enter the office of Colonel Gino ‘Sneaky’ Sullivan. His wolf tail wags uncertainly at the news he has for his superior. The otter with mismatched eye colors looks up and waits to a slow count of four then gives a fishy grin.
“Enter!” His voice calls authoritatively and the captain enters with a salute, which the otter male returns lazily.
“Colonel sir, we have them, all of them.” The captain pauses and then shuffles uneasily on his feet then says, “Well sort of.”
The colonel looks up and nods then blinks looking somewhat confused before saying, “Okay, what does ‘sort of’ mean Lupo?”
Captain Lupo Lansley sighs, “We have her diaries and the lesser journals but it, just read this sir.”
Colonel Sullivan takes the old letter and reads, “Dear Reader, Congratulations you have found my diaries and minor journals. I hope they prove most useful. I must however keep some secrets for longer I have stored the rest of the journals in a safer location. Yours Creatively, Gillian ‘Jinx’ Sullivan.”
Gino chuckles softly, “So she is not done yet. Did you find the grid reference or location details for this safer place?”
“Encrypted sir, it appears to be in a new code we have sent it off for analysis by the code breakers and then they will send it to mapping.” Captain Lansley shrugs and comments, “If Jinx only stored her minor documents and it took us two years to locate it and over two months to get in what will the safer place be like?”
Colonel Sullivan smiles, “It will make Fort Knox seem like a kid’s piggy bank I bet. My ancestor was an amazing lady. You said a new code for the encryption, inform the code breakers that it won’t even be close to any of the previous codes we have. ”
The wolf frowns, “What makes you say that. Sir?”
“Because dear boy, it is what I would have done in her position and I am related to her. She was an amazing lady indeed!”
“Sir, she was better than that!” The captain nods and exits wondering if he had met Jinx would they have got on, since Project: Genius began he has had the occasional very vivid dream about the sweet otter female in very graphic terms.
Colonel Sullivan smiles, “Yes, indeed. You may go now.”
He looks at the portrait of Jinx on his wall and sighs, “Listen, I am family can’t you give me a break. No I suppose not, we could really use that stuff you made Jinx, don’t you trust me.”
He stands and reads the Latin family motto beneath the picture, Scientia non habet inimicum nisp ignorantem, Knowledge has no enemies but the ignorant. He nods, “Well now Jinx I will just have to get a lot more sneaky.”
He heads away and looks back and could have sworn the picture had just winked at him. He sits back down and buzzes the outer office, “Is the pool free I need a swim?”
His sergeant replies through the intercom, “Can clear it in ten minutes, sir.”
Sneaky Sullivan grins, “Make it so.” _________________ You sure this is a good bone or not. |