TerminatorChris Rank: Senior Member

Joined: 20 Aug 2008 Posts: 156
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:17 pm Post subject: The Blue Dragon: Crossing Time 27 |
Chapter 27 Machine Pleasure
Voice"Chris has his vengeance, what now? Why is it not working?"
Chris"Hey!! Who are you!!!!!"
Voice"No!! Impossible!!............."
But the light was now shocking me and the pain is breaking up the timeline. It seems like I did something that I should have never done before, but I don't know what it is.
Chris"Get me out of here!!!!"
But then I fell, it's dark. This soft sand, I remember it. I'm back home. But, it's full of gray clouds.
Chris"What the fuck just happen?"
I check the watch, 2035 A.D. in Planet Cove. I'm really back, but the year, is too far. I better check the house, I ran and the waterfall has no water. I check the house, it's destroy.
Chris"No. Andrea!!! Andrea!!!"
No answer. I look around, and there is nothing, the 2nd floor is standing, I check everywhere, my baby twins and Andrea is not here.
I quickly check the HQ, flying there and I saw it also destroyed.
Chris"Lily!! Kelly!!! Valeria!!!! Jake!!!!"
No one, the lad and the time machine is destroyed. Everything is gone.
Chris"Guess I fuck up everything."
I was now alone, and stay here in this HQ, looking for something to eat or something clothes. Luckily, there is a storage and my old clothes are still here. Guess this comfort me a little. But then suddenly, someone is coming. I hid and then a dragon girl came. Looks like me, wonder why. I then sneak up on her behind and put her in the neck snap.
Chris"10 seconds to tell me why your here!"
Gianna"I'm you!"
Gianna"I mean relative!"
Chris"How relative?"
Gianna"I'm your daughter!"
No, she survive! That's, great.
Chris"Oh god, Gianna?"
Gianna"That's me dad! Where were you!?"
Chris"I was time traveling, but what happen here?"
Gianna"That cyborg machine just came to this planet, that was 10 years ago. Everyone was taken away but me. I was scared. Oh mom!"
Chris"Hey, hey, hey, don't worry, we'll get them back."
Chris"The old Hub."
We took the Hub and left this planet as fast as we can if we still have time. Out here in space, Gianna gave me the direction to this place, from the files she was looking on back at the HQ. I will take us only a day to get there. Then, back at the old bed, I was, never stop thinking about this whole problem that just happen, I can't believe this happen. Why did this happen, what did I do wrong?
Gianna"Before we don't come back and see each other again, I want to do this with you."
She strip her clothes, wait, she wants me to make love with her?
Chris"You wanna make love?"
Gianna"Please, I really want this. I planned it all out. Maybe, we could survive this whole thing and raise a new family."
Chris"You expect our family dead right now?"
Gianna"No, that's not I mean. Oh god, I'm sorry!"
She cries and from my experience, she can't think straight. Guess I have to do something now. I went up to her, and kiss her.
Chris"You want this. You know some about this?"
Gianna"Not much."
Chris"I'll go soft and easy."
I kiss her neck softly and smooth her body. My daughter, not little anymore, and I are making love. This is [word censored], but, why this way. Why do I feel this is right?
Gianna"Oh god. Mom was right about you. You are a good lover."
Chris"Did she. I'll show you love."
I then took off my clothes, and she was in awe to see my abs. She crawl on top of me and we kiss more, french kiss. Her body is just like mine, smooth and rough. Even her ass is like Andrea's ass. But I like it.
Chris"You ready?"
I tease her her pussy with my cock, moaning like she never felt it before. Then it went in and she is really tight.
Gianna"Oh my, it's big."
Chris"And your tight, just like your mom."
Grinding her and massage her ass, our tails were together for the first time. She felt it good, and so did I. This is so wrong, yet it's true, love is blind.
Gianna"Oh yeah!! More!!"
I fuck her faster, harder, deeper. It's making me feel this powerful, is that what everyone is after for?
Gianna"Ahhh!!!! Ohhh!!!! Uhhhhh!!!"
Chris"I can't hold it!!"
Gianna"Me too!!!"
Chris"We have to do it together!"
Then i gave her the word, we both explode our cum and gushes out and squirt a lot of it. She fell tired and now want rest. It's done, I have no regrets to this, but this problem..........................Next day, we are here. The planet I. There is the station down there and is having massive heat signs. We then are in the sky.
Chris"Stay here and wait up in space until I'm done here."
Gianna"I want to come with if you!"
Chris"I'm not going to lose you! Stay here!"
She then did. I jump off and fly down to this station. It was massive at my view. Thousands miles of this place. The main station is in the center, I fly down and went through the window and I made an entrance. Then I saw this big machine, the screams of millions of people are in pain and the brink of mercy. But then the big machine talks to me.
I"I know who you are! Andrea's wife!"
Chris"Give her and my son back!!"
I"Pity, for it is too late for that. I was experimenting them, they then die!"
Chris"You motherfucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm will kill you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I"I find that impossible!"
Chris"Why did you kill them all!!!!!!!!"
I"My purpose is to find the peak of pain and torture as my meter of pleasure increase the search for the perfect one! All of my subjects die, due to lack of pain resisted!"
Chris"Fuck you!! Fuck you!!!!!!!!!"
The pain and torture is enough. I then open my mouth and made a white light, it burns me so much, I just wish this itch is gone right now. Then, for minutes, the bright light is gone, seeing the rest of the world as the crater. I never done that explosion, nuke bomb, that felt so good, kaboom.
Chris"Never old."
Then, it's true then, Andrea and my son is gone. Andrea, why you deserve this, I'm sorry.
I drop the watch and destroy it with my bear hands. I can't take it anymore. Then suddenly, electricity hurts my head.
Voice"He destroy the watch! He's loose!!"
I then saw light pointing at me. I try to break free from these restrains, but my muscle brake things and I rip out this wires that was on my head. Why am I here? I try to leave this place and it's also a dark room.
She punch me and things are falling apart.
Mina"The pain is difficult, isn't it."
To be continue......................................... |