TerminatorChris Rank: Senior Member

Joined: 20 Aug 2008 Posts: 156
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:02 pm Post subject: The Blue Dragon: Crossing Time 7 |
Chapter 7 ......Sins Of The World
Time again, but this force of light strongly hit me more than before. It's so much power passing by me and it does hurt a little. Then I fell once more.
Chris"I bet something is going on in this time. But what do I care."
The watch said the year is now 29 A.D. and this is Jerusalem.
Chris"Jerusalem? What gives?"
The target is Herod Anitpas, a Fennec Fox.
Chris"Alright, what ever he did, it's always desire that twisted the limit."
I was close to the city when I turn around and look behind me. I saw the city, I flew over the walls and then found some clothes, a robe was perfect for me. I walk into the streets and look for the court. His info said he works as a judge to all Galileans. Then I found the court. Walking around, I hear rumors of some one coming here, no sure who. I went to the court and begin to find him. The hallway was full of guards. I have to get through. I decide to walk up as a normal person. Nothing happen, as they were here for sense of protection. Inside this court, I found him, sitting in his chair. I went to the side of the wall, planning to take him out.
Chris"This place is going to be on fire. Suckers."
Then a man came with a message.
Civil Man"He's coming sir."
Herod"Send him in."
I better wait. Then came the jewish people look like consuls. Then they brought up a man...............no! Jesus!!! The passion of Christ has just started! Holy hell. Oh my god!! It's him, Jesus, a Hawk.
He then went up to him.
Herod"Is it true that you restore sight to the blind?"
No answer.
Herod"Raise men from the dead?"
No answer. Then other people mock him, fucking pricks.
Herod"Where did you get your power?"
No answer. It's getting him piss off.
Herod"Are you the one whoes birth was foretold?"
No answer.
Herod"Answer me!"
Chris"C'mon, say something."
Herod"Are you a king?"
No answer. His eye's was close. But I know he was beaten. His injures said so.
Herod"How about me?"
No answer again.
Herod"Will you work a little miracle for me?"
His wife notice, get's their attention. Yet no answer.
Herod"Hahahaha!!! Take this stupid fool out of my sight. He's not guilty of a crime, he's just crazy."
They all laugh. I then saw his eye's open. First time in a lifetime, he look at me, the power of his sight shows all good things he has done. I was shock, I don't know what to say or do. He then move his finger unnotice and it's a message.
Jesus"Why are you here?"
Before I could answer back, they took him away. I can't do anything. I better follow Jesus. This passion is something worth my time................the long walk back to another court and a lot of people are here, uprising. More guards came. I went to the roof and see the whole sight, and in hidden. There's Pilate, a Caracal.
Pilate"King Herod found no cause in this man, neither do I."
Angry people are raging.
Guard"Men, attend to the crowd."
More guards push them back.
Caiaphas"Quiet! Have you no respect for our Roamn procurator?"
They all stay calm, for now.
Pilate"As you know, every year I release a criminal back to you. We are now holding a notorious murderer....Barabbas."
They brought him out, poor bastard grey wolf is helpless idiot.
Pilate"Which of the two men would you have me release to you? The murderer Barabbas? Or Jesus, called the Messiah?"
Caiaphas"He is not the Messiah! He is an imposter! A blasphemer! Free Barabbas!"
They all yell as it was a good decision. These fucks never saw Jesus works, thats why you don't believe him, you shit was never there.
Pilate"Again I ask you: which of these two men should I release to you?"
They yell free Barabbas. He was shock to hear this maddness.
Guard"Free him."
They let him go, he mocks in front of Pilate with psycho path mind. He then walks free.
Pilate"What would you have me do with Jesus of Nazarene?"
Caiaphas"Have him curcified!"
The people all yell curcified. He look up to his wife.
Pilate"NO!! I will chastise him...but then I will set him free."
Good thing than death. But people are very angry.
Pilate"See to it that the punishment is severe, Abenader. But don't let them kill the man."
They took Jesus down and into the courtyard, ready to be whip. I was jumping around the roofs to get a view. They took his clothes off and ready to whip him. I heard his voice.
Jesus"My heart is ready, Father.....my heart is ready."
Then whip hurts more to the people, like a invisible shock wave, who has heart. Every whip hurts the peoples feelings, but not me, for I was this cold blooded person. I shame myself for this matter, but the real different is that I kill for a good reason. Doesn't matter to him. It goes on and on. Other people I see walk away from the horror. Then Caiaphas and his friends left the horror. They change whip. More sharper than ever. More blood spills, his feathers no longer are pure, they are all the sins he carries..............until now, they stop. He's more full of blood. The beauty is no more. I even saw feathers tore away from him, lost of blood and feathers. He then look at something at the wall. I look close at the floor next to the wall. The tiny rocks were moving, ghost? If so, satan is watching as well. Perfect time to kill him right there, but it will cause the guards to be alarm and my cover is blown. Then Abenader saw this.
Abenader"Stop!!! You were order to punish him, not to scourge him to death! Take him away.....get going! Get him out of here!"
I went back to the court. And saw Jesus with the red robe and the infamous crown thorn. Pilate could not believe this maddness. He help him move so the people can see.
Pilate"Behold the man!"
Caiaphas"Crucify him!"
People yell for crucify. This is so much bullshit.
Pilate"Isn't this enough?! Look at him!"
Caiaphas"Crucify him!"
Pilate"Shall I curcify your king?"
Caiaphas"We have no king but Caesar!"
Pilate"Speak to me. I have power to curcify you, or else to set you free."
Jesus"You have no power over me.....except what is given you from above. Therefore, it is he who delivered me to you..... who has the greater sin."
Caiaphas"If you free him, Governor....you are no friend of Caesar's. You must curcify him!"
All people rage on, and this is the moment that turns Pilate mind. I can see that. He then wash his hands.
Pilate"It is you who want to crucify him, not I. Look you to it. I am innocent of this man's blood........Abenader, do as they wish."
This leads us to the walk.....
He fell for the first time...
He met his mother, a dove...
Simon of Cyrene carries the cross...
Veronica wipes the face of Jesus...
He fell for the second time...
He met the daughters of Jerusalem...
He fell for the third time...
He is stripped of his garments...
He is then nailed to the cross...
3 long hours, I saw him, he is ready to move on. I then saw his last breath. He then die's on the cross. Shame on me as to this day, I am a sinner.
Chris"Messiah, I bet you know why I'm here."
My eye's then saw the tiny drop from a distance....... I better go, NOW! The drop of water hit the ground. The world is now in disaster. I flew quickly back to Jerusalem and into the court, where the world is now in the storm of an angry god. I do know he is getting his people out of hell. Into the court place, no one can see me, for the rain hits hard. I went to the hallway, and found him.
He ran up to the roof. Guards were in my way. I flip them over, kill them with their swords and make sure all are dismember. I ran to the roof. And he is now alone.
Chris"This is all a joke to you huh!!!!"
Herod"I did nothing!! Are you going to kill me?!"
Chris"Fuck yeah you ungreatful bitch!"
Herod"Your doing this for Jesus?"
Chris"No, for history!"
I grab him and ready to cut his head off.
Herod"Before I die, know this. You think that I laugh at him. The real joke is having sex. Making love, that's stupid. We don't make love, we make them scream for mercy! Hahahaha!! We make them our whores!! Hahahahaha!!"
I cut his head off. The storm is raging on more than before. Target is down. I strip myself once more and leave this place. This event is so much pain, I can't forgive myself. But was greatful to see Jesus. He is the messiah. Yet lights pushes me more often than my pity.
To be continue.................... |