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Arcanus Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 28 Aug 2011 Posts: 1386
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:57 pm Post subject: Fates Chosen |
*This isn't at all related to my story Fates memories its just something that came to mind that I had to write down, I will continue memories when I am able to come up with more to it. I'm thinking about turning this story into an rp someday*
I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask to become an animal, sure I asked for something exiting to happen to get rid of my normal life, but I didn't expect this!
Let me start from the beginning, my name is Septimus. It all began like three years ago, the world was engulfed in a wave of light, when it ended everyone was turned into a type of humanoid animal that was reflected by their hearts. All of the continents were merged into one and the language and race barriers were shattered.
What was I turned into you ask? I became a blue and red fox, I am currently 21 now, it was my 18th birthday when it all happened and strangely enough the blast started right in front of me.
Yes thats right I said right in front of me, I was up in the field at that time hiding out from a massive birthday party that I didn't ask for: I was the first to get hit, and before I blacked out I could've sworn I saw a black male wolf with red eyes and angel wings that matched his fur color, he was wearing black battle armor, and had this wicked grin on his face, after that things went dark.
I woke up with these strange swords in my hands, khopesh I think they were called, and there was a white vixen about my age at the time with these stunning beautiful blue eyes and angel wings that matched her fur color standing next to me. Did I forget to mention she wasn't wearing any clothing? "You have been chosen." She said
"What do you mean?" I asked still in a daze.
"The world has been given a second chance, it is more vulnerable, the Arch Angels and other races are coming down to try to take over the planet now that its weak." She said and turned to face me. "Your time will come soon to save the world, you, your friends, and a few more of the chosen are tied to the world's fate, it will be up to you and others to save and awaken them. I have to leave I have business elsewhere, I will return when the time has come."
"Wait!!" But it was too late she disappeared in a cloud of feathers and I haven't seen her since.
It has been three years now and I am about to find out about powers I never even knew I had, and ironically it all starts on my 21st birthday. Great just great. _________________ People shouldn't judge by looks or appearances, they should judge by whats in a persons heart. If they let looks affect them then they are no better then the supposed monsters they see. -Fates Chosen
My Fursona:
My FA:
Last edited by Arcanus on Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:25 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Arcanus Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 28 Aug 2011 Posts: 1386
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:33 pm Post subject: |
(I dunno if I should call this chapter two or an extension of chapter one, eh I guess you can decide that one.)
My 21st birthday started weird and whatever was left of my normal life was shattered when I woke up. She was standing in my room, still not wearing any clothes and had her long hair tied back this time, but I played it cool, I didn't freak out or anything.
"Agh!! What are you doing in my room?!!"
Ok so I freaked out, but what person wouldn't freak out if they found a stranger completely naked in their room? Even though I was freaked out it I never said that I didn't enjoy looking at her body.
"Whats wrong? You look as though you have seen a ghost!" She grins
"How do you expect me to react when I see a naked stranger in my room right when I wake up!"
The vixen laughs "What don't like the view? Well you're going to have to get used to it! The time has come and I have a lot to explain: Before I do first things first have you felt any changes recently?" she said "Like you've felt like you're flying?"
I was stunned "H-How did you know?"
She comes to sit on the edge of my bed "Brace yourself for what I am about to tell you: You are an angel like us and not just any angel, you are our prince."
Once again I played it cool and steady.
"A prince?! No no no no no, No way you must be lying"
But looking at her face I could tell she wasn't lying to me, her face was completely serious.
"Ok I believe you, go on…"
She continues "You are our prince and I am your mate."
When I heard this I jumped for joy and ran to kiss her. ….. What you don't believe me? Ok ok what really happened is I blacked out and fell out of my bed. I know really lame right? I find out this beautiful vixen is my mate and I pass out of my bed. I am so pathetic but I do have my moments like this one coming up.
I wake up with her on top of me fanning my face and I grin.
"Pretty pathetic that your mate and prince passed out huh?"
She smiles "No it was a lot of info to give you all at once, also you tend to mumble in your sleep, I caught you saying that you like me, so I took the chance to do this."
She looks at something next to me and I turn my head to follow her gaze to see my pajamas lying next to my head. My face turns red and I return my gaze back to her.
"You ready?" Her smile widens.
Well I lost my virginity, and I don't want to disappoint my adult readers so I'll explain to you what happened. Or should I leave you all wondering what happened? Mmmmmm Nah I'm not that cruel, Here's how it starts:
She lowers herself down on top of me and we start to kiss, my body soon starts to take over. My tongue enters her mouth and her's into mine, soon our kissing starts to get deeper and I feel my member start to harden and rub against her already wet clit. She stops kissing for a moment.
"Oh! I almost forgot!" Before I can say anything she gets on her knees and starts to lower herself down onto my member, we both moan blissfully. "Now where were we?"
She lowers herself back down on top of me again and we go back to kissing.
My hands move down every curve of her body and I start to grope her ass, she moans loud into the kiss and starts to move up and down my member. Soon I join the moaning as well and start to match her movements. After a while we start panting and increase our movements, soon we finally reach the climax, she moans loud and her wings unfold from the immense pleasure, then lightly fell around us, she nuzzled into my neck and murred while I started to pet her and kiss the side of her face.
We continued to lay there for while after that, still in complete euphoria, kissing on and off for what seemed like ages.
I know it sounds weird that I had sex with someone I barely knew, but I didn't care I felt like I could trust her after that….and then soon after the fact I got pushed off a cliff to my doom.
What a great way to start the day! _________________ People shouldn't judge by looks or appearances, they should judge by whats in a persons heart. If they let looks affect them then they are no better then the supposed monsters they see. -Fates Chosen
My Fursona:
My FA:
Last edited by Arcanus on Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Arcanus Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 28 Aug 2011 Posts: 1386
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Arcanus Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 28 Aug 2011 Posts: 1386
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:25 pm Post subject: |
(Here's chapter 3, if I do make this an rp the only similarities will be the first three chapters, also I will be making a lot more characters soon for the story, and I was thinking about including a few people, would anyone like to be in it? x3)
Why was I pushed of a cliff you ask? Its a long story, lets start from the beginning shall we?
"Its 4 already?! I'm pretty sure I woke up at 8! We were down there that long?!"
The stranger starts laughing. "Looks like we really enjoyed ourselves!"
She stretches herself out letting me get a good view of her breasts to tease me."You wouldn't happen to have a place where I can wash up do you?"
Her teasing worked I was clearly distracted. "Ah um uh..." I shake my head to clear my thoughts. "Y-Yes! Theres a bath next to here and a shower in the basement!"
She claps her hands together "Excellent! I'll take the bath!"
While she was in the bath I cleaned up my room, got some clothes and headed to the shower. I passed the bathroom and saw her cleaning her legs, she notices me standing there and winks. Hehe I can't think of a good enough lie at the moment so I guess I'll tell the truth; I freaked out and crashed into my closet door, then ran to the shower. I am such a klutz but I could hear her laughing so I must me doing something right...right?
When I was done I came up and found she was done as well, waiting for me.
"Are you ready?" She asks.
"Ready for what?" Boy would I regret asking that question.
"To awaken your powers" She sticks out her arm. "Grab on and whatever you do don't let go"
I did as I was told and was suddenly surrounded by feathers , when I blinked the white from my eyes I realized we were on a mountain.
"Where are we?"
"We are at what you formerly called the rocky mountains" She said "We're here so you can get your wings without putting you in extreme danger."
Heres where I start to panic. "Danger? What am I going to have to do?"
She sits down "You'll find out soon enough, but first I still have much to explain to you."
Depite my panic I sit down and grin. "You mean before our little interruption?"
She smiles at the comment. "Yes starting with why all this is happening, it starts like this."
Long ago the world was once ruled by angels and demons. The demons ruled the underworld and the angels ruled the overworld, at one point the demons and the fallen got greedy with power and wanted the rest of the world. War soon broke out between the two races which caused large casualties for both, in the end the world was shattered and was dying. Legends say our prince sacraficed himself to save it and both sides were banished for a new race to bring it back, we would be able to return if the world was failing again. Legends say our prince would be reborn as a red and blue fox and lights rained down on the earth when the time came.
"To tell the truth I never imagined we would be transformed like this or that the legend was even true, moving on."
The legend states that people touched by these beams of light would become the chosen to save the world, you and some of your friends turned out to be one of them, the reason we were able to find you was from so many of the lights converging in one spot, the rest were too fast for the naked eye to see. The rest of the legend states that the prince would rise with a group who have been chosen by the light to save the world. There is one problem though, the chosen could be intercepted and tainted to work for the demons. My job is to help you on your quest to find the chosen, and to awaken some of your powers. "Did you get all of that?"
To tell you the truth it all seemed unreal and yet everything she said has happened so far. "I-I think so..."
"Excellent!" She suddenly gets and pulls me up with her. "Now its time to get your wings!"
She starts dragging me close to a cliff, I look down and panic returns. Did I forget to mention I'm afraid of heights? "W-What do I have to do?"
She smiles "Its easy! All you have to do is find your light!"
I tried to stall. "F-find my light? H-How do I do that?!"
"Just think of what matters most to you and what you would do to protect it. Now off you go!" She pushes me off the cliff to my doom.
Of course I screamed nonstop, who wouldn't if they were falling to their death? And closed my eyes, prepared for the worst. A monotone voice rang through my head. *What you're going to give up just like that?*
"How am I supposed to think while I fall to my death!"
*Its a test of pressure and you're failing it, concentrate Septimus! Otherwise the world will die! Your friends will die!*
My eyes snappend open after that last sentence, I knew what mattered most, I want to give the people of this world a second chance, I would protect them with all my strength! I closed my eyes again and started to concentrate, I knew the ground would come any second and prepared for the inevitable splat.
But it never came...I opened my eyes to see I was hovering a good distance above ground...and that my shirt was missing. Before I could ask myself why my mate flies down to me. And I was filled with anger.
"Can you tell me why the hell I had to be pushed off a cliff!!"
She winces a little at my statement "Please calm down. It was the only way to get them to sprout. Think of it like this: how a mother bird pushes her babies out of the nest. If they fly they live, if they don't? Well you know what happens." She continues. "Its basically a test of pressure and how strong your will to live is." She starts to pout "I'm really sorry! Is there someway I can make it up to you?"
I wanted to be angry with her, but how could I with her pouting at me? You look at it and try to say no, its very hard!
"Ok you owe me two things...1st is you know my name but I haven't had the pleasure of knowing yours. 2nd is why has my shirt disappeared?"
The first question surprised her.
"I'm sorry! I got so caught up with all this that I completely forgot to tell you! My name is Svete, as for the shirt the rate at which the wings appear causes so much friction that it causes clothing on the upper body to instintaniously combust."
Well that explains why she doesn't wear a shirt but why does she go completely naked? *Shrugs* Oh well doesn't affect me one bit! I win either way and so does she!
"Svete what a beautiful name! So what is next on the agenda?" I grin as her face turns a bright shade of red.
"T-Thank you! *Ahem* Well the next thing we have to do is track down your friends who have been chosen which will be easy since you are kind of like a dowsing rod in a way to find them."
She was right once again I was, three of my friends were chosen. "Ok I know exactly who they are but lets stop by my house first."
We were wrapped in feathers and teleported to my house. Soon after that everything started to go down the drain. _________________ People shouldn't judge by looks or appearances, they should judge by whats in a persons heart. If they let looks affect them then they are no better then the supposed monsters they see. -Fates Chosen
My Fursona:
My FA:
Last edited by Arcanus on Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:37 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Arcanus Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 28 Aug 2011 Posts: 1386
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Arcanus Rank: Super Veteran

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Arcanus Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 28 Aug 2011 Posts: 1386
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:47 am Post subject: |
Will be posting chapter 4 later on today, then 5 and 6 sometime during the week. Chapter 6 may be broken appart into sections due how big it is.
Chapters 1-3 may be revised a little to fix some detail/grammar errors I made earlier.
Very sorry for not posting these sooner, its been a very busy month for me. _________________ People shouldn't judge by looks or appearances, they should judge by whats in a persons heart. If they let looks affect them then they are no better then the supposed monsters they see. -Fates Chosen
My Fursona:
My FA: |
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Arcanus Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 28 Aug 2011 Posts: 1386
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:32 pm Post subject: |
((Here's chapter 4, was supposed to be posted yesterday but got busy at the last minute, anyway here it is enjoy ^^))
Ok before I move on with the story let me explain myself a little more.
I live in the state formerly called Minnesota in a small mining town home to bone chilling winters and blistering hot summers, thankfully its june now so me and Svette aren't freezing our butts off…now what I mean by formerly is after the continents merged back into one all the old countries disappeared, leaving one country called Pangaea which is divided up into 6 large states. There is now a huge war between the states, the eastern states versus the western. I won't go into details about the names seeing as it is irrelevant at the moment.
Svette filled me in on it a little more on the way back, the angels are sided with the west while the demons are sided with the east. Thankfully we are in the west so we have no problems.
I asked Svette on how people would react when they saw an angel or demon. She told me that the demons are able to hide their appearance using their aura while all an angel has to do is conceal their wings. Now that dark wolf I saw three years ago? He is the leader of the arch angels: Ordun.
I think I may have explained enough…or did I forget something? I have a terrible short term memory…lets move on with the story before I say too much and embarrass myself.
We were back in my room again, I was searching in my closet for a new shirt.
"So why are we here?" Svette said curiously, sitting on my bed patiently.
"So I can get a new shirt and get you some clothes to wear." I said still digging though the closet.
"Why do I have to wear clothes?" She said irritated.
I turned to face her "Well my friends are…strange, two are fine but the other would go completely crazy if he saw you like that."
She grins at my response. "Really? or is it you simply want to keep the sights to yourself? Don't like to share?"
I began to blush a little, she walked up and wrapped her arms around me, leaning her face in close.
"Don't worry I'm all yours!" She giggled again and started to kiss me, pressing me against the wall.
"I know what you're doing." I managed to say between kisses.
Svette grinned a little. "Oh and what is that?"
I nibbled on her lip, trying to hold myself back from running my hands down her body. "You're trying to distract me so you don't have to wear clothes"
She giggles knowing she'd been found out. "And is it working?"
I grinned as I played with her hair a little "A little but you still have to wear them."
She suddenly pulls away and smiles broadly. "Then no kisses for you! Where are the clothes?"
I pouted a little and pointed "In my sister's room across the hall…"
She began to walk away "Ok be back in a sec!"
While she went to get clothes I finally managed to find a shirt, but before I put it on I looked at my newly acquired wings, they were white like Svette's. I reached out and touched them, the wing twittching slightly as I felt the soft down of the feathers on it.
*Are these really mine? It feels like a dream!*
I made the wings disappear and put on my shirt. It was fairly simple, black, short sleeved, and kind of big as I like most of my clothing baggy.
After sitting on my bed for a while she finally returned.
"So how do I look?" She asked from the doorway, smiling.
She was dressed in tan cargo pants that went to her ankles, and wore a light purple tank top, she had her long white hair tied back still. I was dumbstruck by how good she looked.
She began to laugh. "It seems I've left you speechless!" She came and sat down next to me. "Won't your sister or parents get mad that I'm borrowing her clothes?"
That managed to wake me up from my stupor.
" family died in an accident right after I met you 3 years ago…this house is all I have left of them." I couldn't face her, I didn't want to see that look of pity on her face, thats the last thing I needed. "A-Anyway lets go meet my friend."
We didn't need to fly since my friend only lives a block away from me. Now let me clear a few things up, my friends were transformed into their beloved pets that passed away a long time ago. My friend Richard became a lab mutt, Cadence became a seimese cat, and Beth became a toy poodle.
"So the first person we're going to get is Richard?" We were now walking up the small hill leading to his house. "Yes but I have to warn you when you first meet him it may be a little unnerving because of how serious he looks." I paused to let the info sink in a little. "Even though he may look intimidating on the outside he is a very kind person on the inside, but there are times when he can have a pretty bad temper"
Svette smiled "He seems like an interesting person, I can't wait to meet him!"
We soon reached a worn down blue three story house and what I mean by worn down is most of the siding has fallen off and the floor could give out at any moment. I opened the door and started to walk in.
"Shouldn't we knock?" Svette asked, following me inside.
I continued to walk through the house. "No point, he never answers." I begin to call out his name. "Richard! Hey Richard you home?"
And heres where karma comes in, I make one wrong step, which causes the floor to give out and I fall into the basement…right in front of a mutt wearing a simple red t-shirt and black jeans, with short dirty blonde hair that left the forehead exposed…it was Richard and I caught him on one of his bad days. I could tell just by looking at him that he wanted to kill me.
"I have a doorbell you know!!" He yelled angrily.
"S-Sorry about that!"
Svette comes downstairs and whaps me on the side of the head. "I told you so!"
Sometimes I begin to scratch the back of my head during awkward moments…I was doing just that. "I know I know my mistake. Anyway Richard we came to get you."
"Its because of my powers isn't it?"
That caught me off guard, but Svette was completely calm about it.
"H-How did you know?"
One minute he was standing in front of us, the next he was behind us with lightning flowing through one hand and a dagger in the other.
"I was already attacked by monsters" He said "They told me everything because they thought they would kill me." He points up "That hole you fell through? That was made by the monsters." Svette was surprised. "Impressive! You were clearly surrounded just by looking at the damage done but you still managed to kill them." Richard grins "I know a few things about fighting." He turns to me "Care to introduce me to your friend Septimus?"
"Oh! Yes this is Svette my umm…mate." I glanced at her and began to blush.
"Mate? Just what the hell has been happening here!"
I begin to scratch my head again. "Its a really long story, it starts like this…"
I told him the story, everything that Svette has told me so far, and unsurprisingly enough he didn't seem phased by what I told him.
"Wow quite the story you have there Sep, yeah I'll go with you."
Now that caught me off guard, I expected some questions or at least a reaction but apparently I'm the only one who can have emotions.
"W-Wait don't you have any questions?"
"Hmmm…" He tilted his head and rubbed his chin, that brought my hopes up.
"There is one question, where do we go next?"
And there it goes, looks like I'm the only one who gets to be the fool, and now for the slump of anguish! "Cadence's house…"
"Cade's house? He's not that far from here, race you there!"
He was gone after that and I was stuck in my slump.
"Poor Sep, it will be all right, you'll always be a winner in my eyes." She leans down and starts to kiss me a little, I'm lucky I have such a nice mate…I would love to do more but I have someone to beat. "You know what screw the shirts, I want to beat him!" Light flashed and our wings came out.
"Yes! it feels so good to get out of that shirt, I could barely breathe!" She embraces herself in delight, I laughed at her reaction. "Glad you're happy!" I smiled and spread my wings out. "Now we got a mutt to beat." We were surrounded in feathers once more.
Cade lives in an apartment complex near my house as well, his building is right across the street from a playground. Well the landing would have been perfect if Richard wouldn't have ran into me, we collided with such force that I went crashing through Cade's door and was tangled up in trash, toys and whatever else, while Richard was sent flying into the jungle gym getting tangled up in its cords. We started to yell at each other about who won, still tangled up, Svette soon lost her patience.
"You know what enough of this!" She began walking through the house, calling Cade's name, she eventually made her way down to the basement, and thats when all hell begins to break loose, me and Richard finally untangle ourselves, then hear a loud clang. We race down to the basement to find a seimese cat with long blond hair wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans with holes in them sprawled out on the floor with a frying pan lying next to him with a large bump on his head, it was Cade. I turned to Svette.
"He tried to grope you didn't he?" I said annoyed, a look of absolute hatred was on her face. "Yes yes he did and now you see what I did to him." I hear groaning and turn to see the cat climbing to his feet. "Ouch…"
I grinned at the cat "You going to be a good boy or does she need to hit you again?" He rubs his head. "Yeah I will...who is she anyway?" My grin widens, knowing what his reaction will be when I tell him. "This is my mate Svette" As soon as I told him that he completely forgot about his headache "Mate?! She's your mate?"
Svette starts walking up to him "Do you have a problem with that?"
"Yes! I me-" He was cut off, when she got close she punched him in his sensitive spot. "How about this then? If you say a smart ass remark I punch you in the groin, got it?"
He fell to the floor and let out a few grumbles and groans in response, Svette smiles and walks away "Glad we're on the same page!"
Richard went to help Cade up when the building suddenly started to shake, me and Svette ran outside to see that it was surrounded by these pig faced monsters. "What are they?"
"Servents of the demons, they have no real name so we just call them boars, it can be annoying if there's a lot of them." She sighs seeing an endless wave of them. "And it just so happens that there's a lot of them." We suddenly hear a voice behind us. "We'll take care of this, go we'll meet you at your house." We turn to see Cade and Richard. "You sure?"
Cade summons up a buster sword in one hand and fire in the other, the flames made his eyes shine with excitement, he grins. "Yeah I'm sure, get going you two…oh and Svette?"
"Watch his back for me, you're the only one I know who can keep this fox out of trouble."
She grins and grabs my arm "With pleasure, just don't go dying on me!" I started to see Cade and Richard's figures disappear behind the feathers as we teleported again.
*Tap tap tap* This thing working? Cade here, guess I have to tell what happened after the two lovebirds left. ((Ow!! What the hell was that for Svette!)) Ouch! You know what, from me being to lazy to narrate and not feeling like having Svette hit me again I'll just show you.
We were in the center of the large mass by now, me and Richard were standing back to back.
"Hey feel like playing a little game?" I said over the boars voices, the mutt grins "What kind of game do you have in mind?" I grin and summon up a ball of fire. "Whoever kills the most wins?"
"I'm game!"
They were getting closer to us now. "Ok…..Go!" I blast a column of fire out and ran into the crowd, everything became a blur soon after that. ((What was that Sep?…Yes I very well know I'm narrating now…Yes I know what I said I changed my mind stop being a smart ass.)) *Ahem* Anyway everything became a blur soon after that. We thought it would be messy but they just turn into smoke after you kill them.
Things were fun until one of the pigs had to go and ruin it, right as I was about to slash him too…
"Waiiiiit! Please spare me! I'll tell you the reason why we're here!" I grab him by the neck, confused. "Reason? Isn't it just to kill us?" He was struggling to be free of my grasp. "N-No! We were sent by our boss to distract you while we got info from fox boy's house, then destroy all traces of the info after that!" That killed the fun completely, I drew back my sword, the boar squealed and struggled in my grip, I stabbed it and it immediately turned to smoke.
"Richard we need to finish this now!" I yelled across the field, he turned to me and noticed the urgency in my voice, he nodded and let out everything he had. By the time we were done the place was in shambles, the grass was singed, playground and siding melted. I ran over to him. "Its a trap! We gotta get to Sep's house now!" He nodded and held out his arm "Grab on and if you don't want to face plant don't let go." I grabbed on and he started to run, I could see what he meant, everything went by so fast, but despite his massive amount of speed…"We're too late…" His house was on fire, blazing sky high, his backyard was filled to the brim with boars and a green scaled dragon at the front of it near the house. That moment was when the scariest thing in my life happened, it was like the world was sucked of all life, I blacked out soon after that. _________________ People shouldn't judge by looks or appearances, they should judge by whats in a persons heart. If they let looks affect them then they are no better then the supposed monsters they see. -Fates Chosen
My Fursona:
My FA: |
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Arcanus Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 28 Aug 2011 Posts: 1386
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:21 pm Post subject: |
((Chapter 5, prolly the shortest chapter in the whole series, but this is also an important part of the story short or not, anyway I hope you enjoy ^^))
I guess its my turn to tell the story now, oh this is Svette speaking, Septimus can't remember most of what happened so its up to me to explain it, we'll start from the beginning so not to confuse you.
When we got there the house was just set on fire, Septimus fell to his knees into some of its ash.
"Who could've done this?" I asked, still in shock, a deep laugh answered my question.
I turn to see the place flooded with boars with a green scaled dragon standing in front of them.
"Why did you do this?! What point would it be to torch a house!" I yelled, letting my emotions get the better of me.
The dragon laughed again "Because we heard it would hurt his spirits, I mean look at him he's completely crushed!"
I couldn't say anything to that remark, I was to furious to. I turned my head to look at Sep, he was holding a burnt photo of his family, a memory suddenly came to mind *My…my family died in an accident soon after I met you, this house is all I have left of them.* The photo crumbled to ash in his hand…something changed in the atmosphere then, I noticed a faint black aura flicker around him like a flame. He clenched his hands and got to his feet, the black aura suddenly exploded to life around him, his wings turned black, and eyes turned black as well.
The landscape suddenly changed, the grass disappeared, the trees lost their leaves, the sky turned blood red and the ground crumbled beneath my feet.
A single black tear rolled down his cheek, he summoned up his khopesh then suddenly disappeared in the blink of an eye, I didn't know where he was until I saw a big part of the boar troops disappear. Each time he destroyed a part of the troops it was like his aura absorbed their shadows, slowly growing with each one he absorbed.
The dragon was horrified at the scene unfolding in front of him "W-What is this?!"
I was horrified as well but managed to keep my voice steady. "This is the angel's wrath, its where an angel becomes an arch angel from its rage, destroying the area surrounding it." I noticed my body begin to shake at my own words, I continued "It can only be stopped by the one they trust the most. I've heard about it but never really thought it was true."
I watched as every single boar slowly began to disappear, the dragon tried running away but that caught Sep's attention and was cut down in the middle of the yard.
Septimus stayed in the center and screamed to the sky, pieces of earth coming up from the ground as the gravity was distorted, his aura still growing, all I could do was watch helplessly.
"I have to stop this!" I ran to him "Septimus you are not like this fight it! I can't lose you!"
All he did was give me a blank stare, he didn't recognize me at all. I started to cry seeing him like this, he was suffering and there was nothing I could do about it, I thought it was all over….something suddenly changed in his demeanor after her saw me start to cry. I notice a silvery aura flickering to life around me, starting to glow brightly. I started to walk into his aura, the darkness repelling away as I walked to him. The person standing in front of me wasn't Septimus, it was something ancient, something unnatural. I didn't know what to do, I took his paw into mine, and stared at him on the brink of tears once more, all I could manage to say was- "Please don't leave me Septimus, I love you."
I somehow broke through to him, his eyes flickered back to normal, everything flashed back to normal as if nothing ever happened, his dark aura evaporating into the sky, he slowly began to sink to his knees. "Sv-ette"
I fell to my knees and caught him, he began to cry into my shoulder, I petted his head. "Its ok I got you, everything will be all right Septimus, its all over now." _________________ People shouldn't judge by looks or appearances, they should judge by whats in a persons heart. If they let looks affect them then they are no better then the supposed monsters they see. -Fates Chosen
My Fursona:
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Arcanus Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 28 Aug 2011 Posts: 1386
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:51 am Post subject: |
Fixed some stupid typos and grammar errors, especially in chpater four. That is the last time I type this up at 4 in the morning >< _________________ People shouldn't judge by looks or appearances, they should judge by whats in a persons heart. If they let looks affect them then they are no better then the supposed monsters they see. -Fates Chosen
My Fursona:
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Arcanus Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 28 Aug 2011 Posts: 1386
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:17 pm Post subject: |
To those who have been reading this, due to the content of some of the chapters I will prolly not be posting it on her anymore. It will be on my FA and SF though so if you're still interested in reading them check those out~
I also apologize to those of you who have been reading this story that don't have a FA or SF. I do have a DA and if you have that and still want to read it I would be happy to post it on there, but unless someone tells me on here I prolly won't put it up on DA.
Anyway for those of you who have me watched or have been reading the story I really appriciate it and hope you will enjoy the future chapters~ _________________ People shouldn't judge by looks or appearances, they should judge by whats in a persons heart. If they let looks affect them then they are no better then the supposed monsters they see. -Fates Chosen
My Fursona:
My FA: |
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