Silvador Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 20 Oct 2009 Posts: 12351
Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:04 pm Post subject: Meeting the Parents -joke- |
David and Christy were nervous. They had been dating for a few months, now, and it had finally come time for David to meet Christy's parents. Their relationship was serious and they both loved each other dearly, but Christy's parents were very prim and proper and she wanted them to approve of her choice of men. Unfortunately, David had a small problem; whenever he ate a large meal, he always ended up getting strong gas.
The innitial meet had gone well. David's manners impressed Christy's parents and the four of them spoke of various aspects of their lives, past, present and future. Eventually, it was time for dinner.
Christy's parents had prepared something of a small feast with mashed potatoes, vegetables, a roasted hunch of beef and assorted suaces for topping. Nervously, the couple ate. The food was good, the conversation easy and the dog slept beneath the large table.
As it drew close to the end of the meal, David could feel his body reacting in the usual manner. Desperate to put on a good display for Christy's parents, David tried his hardest to keep from letting his problem free, but could only contain the pressure for so long. A small, high pitched squeek filled the air and immediately Christy's mother responded.
"Henri!" she said.
David glanced at Christy. This was great; he could fart and her parents would think it was the dog under the table. David farted again.
"Henri!" Christy's mother cried again.
David let another one go, this time longer and stronger.
"Henri! Get out from under there before he shits on you." _________________
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